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Festival Lineup 2025

The full lineup and lineup for ShazamFest's 20th anniversary will be released mid-March 2025

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Festival Lineup 2024

Click the button below to download the complete artist's schedule

Click the button below to download the full list of activities and workshops.

ShazamFest XIX

Jeudi / Thursday

La Petite Scène  

18:30 - Opening

19:00 - Loonies

20:30 - ROTIN and the Princes

Click here for the complete list of activities

Vendredi / Friday

Shazam Stage 

14:30 - Clown Parade

15:30 - Costumed Tricycle Race

17:00 - Words of Welcome
17:30 - Mate
19:00 - Social Circus Games
19:30 - Sentai Dub Attack

21:00 - The Burlesque Hour
22:00 - DVTR
23:30 - Collectif Carmagnole &


00:00 - That Handsome Devil

The Small Stage

12:00 - 16:00 - Jam Session

01:30 - Moronic Inferno


17:00 - Morzion (Reggae)

19:00 - Best Patric Egan 

21:00 - DJ Care

23:00 - Projections

Samedi / Saturday

Shazam Stage

15:00 - Talent Show
17:00 - Tribal Roses
18:00 - Verre Moutarde
19:30 - Les Roberts (Labokracboom)
20:00 - Your Fashion Show

21:00 - Olympic Prize Ceremony

21:30 - Rau_Ze 
23:00 - Freakshow & Burlesque

00:00 - Kamendja

The Small Stage

10:00 - 11:30 - Yoga Chaud avec

                         Prana Papa
11:30 - 15:00 - A Pizza Musical

                         Laboratory Jam 

16:00 - Beard, Moustaches, Mullet

            & Chest Hair Contest

18:00 - 20:00 - Character creation worshop for the Fashion Show

12:00 - 16:00 - Welding and Sculpture creation workshop at the Bottleneck

15:00 - 20:00 - Costume creation workshop for the Fashion Show under the bar Tent.

1:30 - Kickin' It Live hip-hop collective


13:00 - Da Joint Doctor

15:00 - DJ mYC
17:00 - DJ Solide

19:00 - Rook

21:00 - Pain Naan

Dimanche / Sunday

Shazam Stage

11:30 - Kids Parade
13:00 - Musical Improve with a Referee

14:30 - Lutte à l'Est
16:30 - 
Collectif Carmagnole

17:00 - Kirá Chao (Brésil)
18:30 - Closing Ceremony

19:30 - The Renoviction Show with

            Excavation & Poésie and


The Small Stage

10:00 - 13:00 - Jam Open Mic

21:30 - After party DJ collective


12:00 - Kaminski sélectionne des vinyles africains, caribéens et latino.

Anchor 1

Le Temple Maudit

Jeudi / Thursday


Shazam Olympics

14h - 22h Docteur Doktorâh's


18:00 - Chilling and Games

15:00 - Build Your Adventure Course

17:00 - Decorate your festival

19h à 21h souper

17:00 - 19:00

- Ouverture Olympiades

- Courses de Bateaux 

Vendredi / Friday

Le Temple Maudit

10h - 22h Docteur Doktorâh's


11:00 - Hula Hoop workshop 16+

13:00 - Juggling workshop

14:30 - Clown Pararde and the

            opening of the Shazam


15:30 - Costumed Tricycle Race 

18:00 - Photobooth

20:00 - Hidden Talents (Open Stage)

21:00 - Chilling


10:00 - Circus and Pyramide workshops with

            the Farfaderie

11:00 - Hula Hoop, Juggling and Dance

12h à 13h dinner

11:00 - Clothes textile painting

13:00 - Mobiles Creation Workshop

13:00 - Circus and Pyramide workshops with

            the Farfaderie

15:00 - Hula Hoop, Juggling and Dance

18h à 19h souper

Shazam Olympics

10:00 - 15:00 -

          10 Skills Competition

16:30 - Epic Foam Sword


Samedi / Saturday

Le Temple Maudit

10h - 22h Docteur Doktorâh's


11:00 - Lagarto The Clown

13:00 - Tie Dye workshop

14:00 - Bubbles with Malicio

15:00 - Hula Hoop workshop 16+

17:00 - Photomaton

20:00 - Chilling


10:00 - Circus and Pyramide workshops with

            the Farfaderie

11:00 - Hula Hoop, Juggling and Dance

11:00 - Giant Puppet Building Workshop 

11:30 - Build Your Adventure Course

13:00 - Slip 'N Slide

13:00 - Circus and Pyramide workshops with

            the Farfaderie

14:00 - Preparations for the Talent Show

15:00 - Talent Show on the Main Stage

Shazam Olympics

10:00 - Soccer Game

13:00 - Volleyball Game 

21:00 - Prize ceremony for

            the Olympics

Dimanche / Sunday

Le Temple Maudit

10h - 22h Docteur Doktorâh's


11:00 - Juggling workshop

12:00 - Paparionette

13:00 - Photobooth 


10:00 - Circus and Pyramide workshops

            with the Farfaderie

11:00 - Hula Hoop, Juggling and Dance

11:00 - String Art

11:30 - Kids Parade

11:30 - Build Your Adventure Course

13:00 - Slip 'N Slide

13:00 - Vernissage and exposition


10:00 - Boat Races

13:00 - Free Play / Treasure


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"Where the Misfits fit in!"

ShazamFest 2722 chemin de Way's Mills, Barnston Ouest, Québec

Patrimoine Cananda / Canadian Heritage
Microbrasserie Hop Station
Desjardins des Verts-Sommets de l'Estrie
Entente de développement Culturel MRC Coaticook
A Pizza Sherbrooke
Municipalité de Barnston-Ouest
Bivouack Underground Glamping
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